Dermatologists increasingly rely on medical imaging modalities—especially but not solely ultrasound—to help diagnose complex and diverse skin disorders.
The software has been primarily disguised as Philips’ DICOM MediaViewerLauncher.exe—a trusted program that enables patients to view their medical imaging on their own personal servers.
The college announced its opposition to the CDC's B Reader program exploring whether to let nurse practitioners and physician assistants read certain radiographs.
The call to action comes from a poll of over 500 specialists at a single academic institution, published in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology.
The college announced its opposition to the CDC's B Reader program exploring whether to let nurse practitioners and physician assistants read certain radiographs.
The call to action comes from a poll of over 500 specialists at a single academic institution, published in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology.
The software has been primarily disguised as Philips’ DICOM MediaViewerLauncher.exe—a trusted program that enables patients to view their medical imaging on their own personal servers.