180 Reps Now Signed On to Bill to Prevent MPPR Reimbursement Cut
The number of Congressmen who have signed onto HR 3269 — a bill to prevent a 25% multiple procedure payment reduction to the professional component of diagnostic imaging &mdash has reached 180 said the American College of Radiology on Monday.
The ACR will work in the coming weeks to insert the language of the bill into the conference committee report on the payroll tax break and a “doc-fix” to overall Medicare reductions, says Cynthia Moran, ACR Assistant Executive Director for Government Relations and Health Policy.
“We’re focusing on what’s going on in the conference committee that extended the SGR until February,” Moran tells imagingBiz.com. “We’re trying to get that in, but we’re facing an uphill battle right now.”
This weekend, Congressional leaders told reporters that they expect to reach a deal by the end of February on legislation to extend the payroll tax break and prevent the SGR-mandated cut to Medicare physician reimbursement. However, they did not signal any concessions they would be willing to make to reach that deal.