William Lotter, PhD

Bill Lotter, PhD, is a pioneer in AI for medical imaging, having developed AI models from the ground up that are being used across millions of patients. He is now a thought leader in the field as a professor at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Lotter’s work in the field began in 2015 during his PhD studies in Biophysics at Harvard University, when deep learning in medical imaging was a nascent field. Through his research, he developed AI models for mammography that ultimately resulted in two patents for which he is the inventor, and a Nature Medicine publication (Lotter et al., 2021) which further describes the algorithms and provides evidence of their ability to aid in earlier breast cancer detection. Seeking to clinically translate these efforts, he co-founded and served as the CTO of DeepHealth, Inc, which was subsequently acquired by RadNet in 2020. As the VP of Machine Learning at RadNet, Dr. Lotter led the development and implementation of three FDA-cleared AI products for mammography, which have processed millions of mammograms to date. Now, as a faculty member at Dana-Farber and the Harvard Medical School, Dr. Lotter leads a research group advancing both AI capabilities and the science of clinical translation of AI in imaging. He is a true leader, having conceptualized, built and implemented AI that has impacted millions of patients, co-founded and sold a highly successful startup, and landed a tenure-track position at a top university.