Radiology Drops On List of Most Sought After Medical Specialties
Demand for radiology has dropped according to Merritt Hawkins’ 2012 Review of Physician Recruiting Incentives. Radiology, which was Merritt Hawkins’ most requested specialty in 2003, ranked only 18th in 2011-2012.
Based on a national sample of search assignments, the Review provides an indication of which medical specialties are currently in the greatest demand.
Primary care physicians top the list as the most sought after specialty, namely family physicians and general internists, followed by general surgeons.
Certain medical specialists, including emergency medicine physicians, orthopedic surgeons, obstetrician/gynecologists, pulmonologists, urologists, dermatologists, and hematologists/oncologists remain in strong demand.
The 2012 Review is based on the 2,710 permanent physician and advanced allied professional search assignments that Merritt Hawkins/AMN Healthcare’s physician staffing companies conducted during the 12-month period from April 1, 2011, to March 31, 2012.