RSNA R&E Foundation surpasses $5M in grant funding for 2019
The RSNA Research and Education (R&E) Foundation Board of Trustees has approved more than $5 million in funding for grants related to radiology research and education so far in 2019. This includes more than 100 different grant recipients and is good for a funding rate of 30% for all grant applications.
“Through the generosity of our donors, the RSNA R&E Foundation is again able to invest in and help define the future of radiology and radiation oncology,” Thomas M. Grist, MD, chair of the R&E Foundation Board of Trustees, said in a prepared statement. “We know from experience that R&E funding is an important catalyst for radiology research. Historically we have measured a 50:1 return of our investment when we quantify the additional research support to RSNA investigators from the federal government and other funding agencies. This is an incredible return on our investment.”
According to the statement, the RSNA R&E Foundation has awarded more than $60 million in funding for more than 1,500 research projects.
“By supporting these outstanding projects proposed by innovative researchers and educators, collectively our RSNA community helps to ensure a better future for patients and those who serve them,” Grist said in the same statement.