In the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is making significant strides in improving radiology workflow and patient care coordination. Nicholas Galante, MD, medical director of informatics at Radiology Associates of North Texas, recently discussed how technology from is transforming his radiology practice, enhancing efficiency, and ultimately benefiting patient outcomes.
Data standardization in medical imaging has evolved from a technical necessity to a strategic imperative, requiring an ontology-level approach to patient studies for optimization. According to Radiologist Cheryl Petersilge and CIO Matt Dewey, hospitals and imaging groups are increasingly implementing advanced standardization solutions. The benefits are significant, including greater radiologist efficiency, improved access to imaging exams, and increased accuracy in both human and AI-driven interpretations.
Take a look inside the future of care. These clinical and IT leaders from two leading healthcare systems tell us how they’re improving care and processes by merging enterprise imaging and content services.
Listen in to see how Wake Radiology UNC Rex, a leading imaging group in the 4th fastest growing metro area in the U.S., boosted their speed and infrastructure to take care of more patients. Radiologists are happier, IT is too—and so was the board that saved money. Learn how they did it – and grab some tips for your next IT project.
Shimadzu Medical Systems USA released the latest version of its Trinias angiography system at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2022 meeting to address radiation concerns and to help improve workflow.