| Editor's Choice: Leadership & Workforce | This dilemma occurs when providers knows the right thing to do for a patient, but institutional constraints prevent them. This dilemma occurs when providers knows the right thing to do for a patient, but institutional constraints prevent them. | |
| A total of 42,952 applicants certified a rank-order list in 2023, marking the largest match in the National Resident Matching Program's 70-year history. A total of 42,952 applicants certified a rank-order list in 2023, marking the largest match in the National Resident Matching Program's 70-year history. | |
| Meanwhile, the commission called such agreements an “exploitative practice that suppresses wages, hampers innovation, and blocks entrepreneurs from starting new businesses." Meanwhile, the commission called such agreements an “exploitative practice that suppresses wages, hampers innovation, and blocks entrepreneurs from starting new businesses." | |
| “Despite these challenges, we were able to deliver solid performance and have positioned the business for strong organic growth," said CEO Riadh Zine. “Despite these challenges, we were able to deliver solid performance and have positioned the business for strong organic growth," said CEO Riadh Zine. | |
| Such work-related stress has become “rampant” among radiologists working in the U.S., two noted experts wrote recently. Such work-related stress has become “rampant” among radiologists working in the U.S., two noted experts wrote recently. | |
| Published in JACR, the new white paper outlines four areas of consensus between the two specialties. Published in JACR, the new white paper outlines four areas of consensus between the two specialties. | |
| Burnout may be one factor, as physicians put in extra hours to deliver care delayed during the pandemic, according to new survey data. Burnout may be one factor, as physicians put in extra hours to deliver care delayed during the pandemic, according to new survey data. | |
| Physician members of this generation will come with unique nuances of which the imaging workforce should be aware. Physician members of this generation will come with unique nuances of which the imaging workforce should be aware. | |
| There are many reported factors contributing to this gender gap, including fears of radiation exposure and difficulties with work-life balance, experts wrote in Academic Radiology. There are many reported factors contributing to this gender gap, including fears of radiation exposure and difficulties with work-life balance, experts wrote in Academic Radiology. | |
| "Recruiters have their hands full,” Sarah Thomas, MD, with the Department of Radiology at Duke University Medical School, and colleagues wrote recently. "Recruiters have their hands full,” Sarah Thomas, MD, with the Department of Radiology at Duke University Medical School, and colleagues wrote recently. | |
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