AMA Votes to Continue Support for Individual Responsibility for Health Insurance
The American Medical Association (AMA) has voted to continue its policy of supporting individual responsibility for health insurance with assistance for those who cannot afford it.
Prior to the vote at the AMA's annual meeting, members reviewed and evaluated alternatives to the individual mandate and described their findings in a report of the Council on Medical Services, entitled “Covering the Uninsured and Individual Responsibility.”
Contentiously debated on Sunday, the report reviews AMA policy and advocacy efforts on the subject and summarizes the history of requiring individual responsibility. Following the debate, the AMA’s House of Delegates issued:
- A reaffirmation of its commitment to health system reforms, including health insurance coverage for all Americans, and to insurance market reforms that expand choice of affordable coverage as consistent with AMA policies concerning pluralism, freedom of choice, freedom of practice, and universal access for patients.
- A reaffirmation of its policy of advocating that state governments be afforded the freedom to develop and test different models for covering the uninsured.
- A recommendation that he report be filed and adopted in lieu of resolutions 102, 109, and 114.
—Julie Ritzer Ross