Tennessee and Alabama Enact Breast Density Laws
Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam and Alabama Governor Robert Bentley each signed breast density inform legislation into law last month.
The Tennessee law will become effective on January 1, 2014, while the Alabama law will become effective on October 1, 2013.
The breast density patient advocacy group Are You Dense reports that Tennessee and Alabama are now the 8th and 9th states with a breast density inform law on the books. The other states are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, New York, Texas and Virginia.
A total of 16 other states have introduced similar bills in their state legislatures. Next up to enact a law may be Nevada or Illinois. Breast density inform legislation passed unanimously in the Senate of both states and will get a final vote in their respective general assemblies before being passed to their governors for signing into law.Read the text of the Tennessee law here. Read the text of the Alabama law here.