Rotary Launches Free Resource for Building X-ray Facilities in Developing Nations
Recognizing that one of the obstacles to getting x-ray access to patients in developing nations is simply knowledge, the Rotary Club of Park Ridge, Ill, has put the information and experience it has gathered installing x-ray rooms in Africa, Central Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean online in a free library resource.
Among other things, the library offers practical instructions on how to overcome the many challenges of setting up an x-ray system in a developing nation where basic resources taken for granted in first-world nations, like a reliable power supply, are unavailable.
The digital World Health Imaging System for Radiology (WHIS-RAD) Library includes reference materials used by the Rotary Club of Park Ridge in its own project work, and in working with other Rotary International clubs and districts throughout the world for more than a decade.
While primarily geared toward the hospital or clinic installation of WHIS-RAD, an X-ray system designed and approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for the poor in developing countries, the club hopes that the information will be useful to anyone setting up diagnostic imaging services in developing countries.Access the library.