Lung cancer charity to award $100K in machine learning challenge
Developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence seem to be making news on a daily basis—whether exploring what impact the technology will have on radiology jobs or how the latest algorithm can detect cancer in certain scans.
The Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (ALCF) has announced a challenge to bridge the gap between the development of machine learning and its potential benefits. The ALCF is asking for data scientists, software engineers and designers to create open source software that connects machine learning with practicing clinicians.
In an Aug. 8 release, the foundation said the top contributors are eligible for $100,000 in prize money.
“The earlier lung cancer can be detected, the better,” said ALCF founder Bonnie J. Addario. “My hope is that the winners of this challenge create software that achieves real change in the way radiologists are able to help patients and save lives now.”
ALCF has partnered with DrivenData, a community of data scientists and engineers who organize online machine learning challenges. During the challenge, contributors can submit code patches that add features to the software, improve functionality and boost precision. Project maintainers will review and adopt code patches.
More information can be found here.