Jennifer Clark, MSRS, RDMS, RT(R)

Jennifer Clark, MSRS, RDMS, RT(R)

Jennifer Grace Clark is a shining example of someone who dedicates herself fully to her profession and community. Jennifer is a tenure track faculty member, and the program director for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at Morehead State University. She teaches multiple courses in the program, and successfully coordinated and spearheaded an accreditation site visit. She developed a new vascular sonography area in her program this year in addition to navigating her tenure track responsibilities. 

Jennifer continually goes above and beyond her assigned job duties in service to the department and university. She serves as a faculty senator and is a member of the Academic Issues sub-committee as well as the Evaluation sub-committee on the University level. She is vice chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee on the college level. She also serves on several committees on the departmental level including chair of the Scholarship committee, the DMS admissions committee and the DMS Assessment Committee and a member of the Advisory committee. She is also involved in recruitment by coordinating recruitment trips.   

Jennifer also participated in the KDMC Bright Futures Career Expo and conducts multiple tours for perspective students to MSU. She has coordinated a Radio broadcast for the DMS program in addition to participating in the Rogers Scholars program on campus. She coordinates the Imaging Sciences showcase for local hospitals for job recruitment after graduation. She was a Judge/Mentor for the Celebration of student scholarship and coordinated the imaging sciences job fair on campus. 

Jennifer is the advisor for the Delta Mu Sigma student organization on campus, as well as chapter contact for MSU DMS Lambda Nu national student organization. She also participates in volunteer and charity drives, campus and off campus service workshops each year and is very active in the community via her church.