If One is Good, Two is Better
The number of multi-facility diagnostic imaging center chains in America continued its precipitous rise in 2005, according to the latest Diagnostic Imaging Center Market Report from Verispan. The research company identified 687 diagnostic imaging center chains that owned, managed, or leased a total 3,818 imaging centers as of August 2005. The number of chains increased by 93% to 687 since 2003, indicating that center owners are looking for the efficiencies gained by multiple site operations. The number of centers that chains controlled jumped 53% to a total of 3,818 since 2003.
The greatest number of imaging center chains (260) own three to four centers, encompassing 23% (885) of all chain-owned, leased, or managed centers. The smallest number of imaging center chains (62) own 11 or more centers, incorporating 39% (1,472) of all chain-controlled centers. Another 24% of imaging center chains (165) owned/managed /leased five to 10 centers; and 29% (200) owned just two centers.
A closer look at the top 25 diagnostic imaging center chains indicates that there can be too much of a good thing when it comes to outpatient imaging centers. All of the top five chains, with the exception of MedQuest Associates, Alpharetta, Ga, which lead the pack with 96 centers, pruned their numbers. HealthSouth Corp (88), Birmingham, Al, and Radiologix, Inc (78), Dallas, Tx, both downsized, together offloading 53 centers. Insight Health Services Corp, Lake Forest, Calif (85), and HCA, Nashville, Tenn (56), reduced their holdings by 8 and 3 respectively. MedQuest picked up 11 centers in 2005.
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