Going up: ANSTO announces price increase for medical isotopes

The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) is raising its prices, according to a new report from The Australian. The price increases are expected to be as high as 9%.

“The increases are modest, proportional, and reflect the ongoing cost to effectively deliver secure supplies of nuclear medicine,” an ANSTO spokesman said, as quoted by The Australian. “We are consulting with the nuclear medicine community about these changes. Where concerns have been raised, we will work through them with customers who have their own commercial imperatives.”

ANSTO recently revealed that three employees were “attended to by radiation protection personnel” after molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) contamination was detected at its facility in Lucas Heights. Two of the employees “received a radiation dose above the statutory limit.”

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Michael Walter
Michael Walter, Managing Editor

Michael has more than 16 years of experience as a professional writer and editor. He has written at length about cardiology, radiology, artificial intelligence and other key healthcare topics.

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“Before these CPT codes there was no real acknowledgment of the additional burden borne by the providers who accepted these patients."

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