ACR PAC will not back Wolf, Flinn
Politics may be local, but in the world of lobbying and campaign finance, money goes where it can have the most influence, which is why radiologists Milton Wolf, MD, and George Flinn, MD. will not receive support from RADPAC.
Instead, the ACR Association’s political action committee will back Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee) and Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) for the U.S. Senate, according to an article in the National Journal.
Tea Party candidate Wolf is engaged in a contentious primary race in Kansas for Robert’s seat and also faces an investigation by the state’s medical board for posting patient x-rays on Facebook with flip comments. Flinn, who had RADPAC’s backing in a 2012 race against Rep Steve Cohen (D- ), is challenging Alexander.
"Roberts and Lamar are kind of big deals," Ted Burnes, RADPAC director, told National Journal. "One is potentially chair of [the committee] if the Senate flips, and Lamar has already been really good on radiology issues."
The decision to back Roberts and Alexander rather than the radiologists was a decision calculated to maintain good relationships with two incumbents, Burnes told the Journal. Roberts has a history of supporting the radiology industry, and Burnes referred to the PAC’s support of Alexander as an investment.