Neuroradiology has topped the field among imaging subspecialties vying for new fellows to train, filling 287 of 316 certified positions—a 90.8% fill rate—across 87 fellowship programs.
A total of 42,952 applicants certified a rank-order list in 2023, marking the largest match in the National Resident Matching Program's 70-year history.
Who benefits and who pays the price when top-ranked medical schools withhold comparative student data from radiology residency program directors? Radiology researchers at Duke recently documented the commonness of the problematic practice.
Quantifiable features of medical images such as pixel intensity, arrangement, color and texture—in a word, radiomics—can help radiologists improve diagnostic accuracy.
The radiologist suspected of trying to murder his wife and children by deliberately driving the family car over a 250-foot cliff has an unlikely ally in his corner.
Thoracic CT is safely and wisely omitted from diagnostic protocols for ICU patients who have signs of infection after abdominopelvic surgery but were already imaged with abdominal CT.
Most radiologists log many hours every workday gazing into computer monitors emitting blue light, but their eyes are at close to zero risk of damage from retinal phototoxicity.
The nuclear imaging isotope shortage of molybdenum-99 may be over now that the sidelined reactor is restarting. ASNC's president says PET and new SPECT technologies helped cardiac imaging labs better weather the storm.
CMS has more than doubled the CCTA payment rate from $175 to $357.13. The move, expected to have a significant impact on the utilization of cardiac CT, received immediate praise from imaging specialists.