Improve Management Strategies at ACR-RBMA Practice Leaders Forum
Reston, VA (Sept. 7, 2016) — Radiologists and medical imaging business managers will gain practical management skills to align their business operations with new health care models at the ACR-RBMA Practice Leaders Forum.
Imaging practice and hospital executives (physician leaders, business managers and administrators) will gain insights on how to keep ahead of economic shifts—including the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs). Attendees willlearn how to improve profitability and promote a value-based mindset within teams at this hands-on training course. Registration is open for the forum, which is co-hosted by theAmerican College of Radiology (ACR) and Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA) Jan. 13–15, 2017, in Orlando, Fla.
“This two-day meeting provides insights on how to drive value through innovation, teamwork and quality care,” said Frank J. Lexa, MD, MBA, program co–chair and chief medical officer for the ACR Radiology Leadership Institute®. The program “is designed to help leaders learn current business trends and get the most out of their practice in this rapidly changing health care environment,” he added. “Working collaboratively, the ACR and RBMA offer radiologists and business managers critical examples of how to compete and succeed,” added Keith Chew, MHA, CMPE, FRBMA, program co-chair and past president of the RBMA.
Additionally, sessions will cover how to anticipate, adjust to and strategically position for new and emerging trends; explore practical strategies for maximizing reimbursements and patient engagement; examine news ways of implementing Imaging 3.0TM; and create an optimal care environment using cutting-edge information technology and service platforms.