Recent Newsletters
Best of July: Hospital forms rad group | Mark Cuban on imaging prices | Women delay mammo start | Practice closes |
Best of the Week: CEO rad's license revoked | AI reduces spine read times | $75K salary gap | Bill to rein in PE |
Best of the Week: Mark Cuban on imaging prices | Rad loses FMLA suit appeal | Attrition not driving shortage | Deadly delay |
Best of the Week: Oldest practice closes | Women doubt mammo benefit | New rad role | Payer 'profiteering' | Rayus sale |
Best of the Week: Overseas group enters US | NPs' growing IR role | Philips MRI recall | Prenuvo clinical trial | Rayus expands |
Best of June: RadNet sitting on $700M | 1,300% profit on center sale | Is AUC dead? | State scales back CON law |
Best of the Week: Is AUC really dead? | Tesla-crashing radiologist update | Addressing the rad shortage | ACR quality center |