FDA approves 7T MRI scanner at USC for clinical use

The University of Southern California was among the first imaging centers in the U.S. to install a 7T MRI. This high-end part of the MRI market is small and is mainly made up of academic research centers. The main MRI market is made of of 1.5T systems, but there is rising demand for 3T, which Signify research may eventually become the standard for MRI.

The University of Southern California was among the first imaging centers in the U.S. to install a 7T MRI. This high-end part of the MRI market is small and is mainly made up of academic research centers. The main MRI market is made of of 1.5T systems, but there is rising demand for 3T, which Signify Research suggests may eventually become the standard for MRI. Photo courtesy of USC. 

The 7T MRI scanner at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles has received FDA approval for clinical use.