Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.
One of the largest radiopharma companies in the world is acquiring global rights to a pair of novel therapeutic and diagnostic drugs used to target a peptide receptor overexpressed in prostate and breast cancers.
"This article will serve as a landmark reference for navigating short-term labor challenges in radiology," explains one editorial about the suggestions.
The FDA has given its thumbs-up to software that calculates breast fibroglandular tissue volume (FGV) and the ratio of FGV to total breast volume on ultrasound imaging.
Notwithstanding CMS’ most-shoppable-services rule, radiology researchers find much work lies ahead “if the goal of online price estimators is for patients to use them.”
Suggesting the move will significantly advance radiology’s specialtywide imperative to “ditch the disk,” Montreal-based Intelerad Medical Systems has announced it is acquiring a longtime competitor in the image-exchange space.
Orthopedic cone-beam CT supplier CurveBeam AI has received the FDA’s breakthrough device designation for software that computes risk of fracture in patients with osteopenia.
If you want to know how radiologists will learn their jobs 10 to 20 years from now, take a look at the ways schoolkids learn their subjects in the 2022-23 school year.
Prior to the final proposal’s release, the American College of Radiology reached out to CMS to offer its recommendations on payment rates for five out of the six the new codes.