Raleigh Radiology Bridges Language Gap With Affordable Solution

COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 25, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Language AccessNetwork (LAN) has partnered with Raleigh Radiology in providing a firstof its kind, affordable solution geared toward non-acute care medicalfacilities. This new program helps deliver Video Remote Interpreting(VRI) to enhance communication with Limited English Proficient and Deafand Hard-of-Hearing patients, which is key in providing the best carepossible. Raleigh Radiology selected LAN for its ability to providemedical interpretation services via Martti(TM) (My Accessible Real-TimeTrusted Interpreter) its state-of the-art Video Remote Interpretationdevice which instantly connects the highest quality, medically-trainedinterpreters with doctors and patients round-the-clock via live video.

The Martti units resemble a computer tablet and require a simple touchof the screen to gain immediate access to live interpreters of morethan 210 languages. Martti allows patients and providers to actuallysee and communicate directly with interpreters within seconds, via itsown dedicated HIPAA-compliant, high-speed broadband network. Thelightweight wireless units can be easily carried alone by the provider,or attached to a heeled cart, to follow patients throughout thefacility. LAN interpreters are highly-trained for strictly medicalinterpretations and are located in dedicated LAN call centersthroughout the U.S. and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

"Raleigh Radiology did not believe video remote interpretation servicescould be affordable for a non-acute care facility like theirs with alow patient census. However, LAN established an affordable package tomeet their needs and create enhanced patient and provider satisfactionwith a more efficient system of care," explains Andrew Panos, LAN'sfounder and COO. "Timely, cost-effective and easy to use video remoteinterpretation services improve compliance, decrease unnecessary testsand help achieve better clinical outcomes,"

About Language Access Network, LLCLanguage Access Network, LLC ("LAN") is the leader in trustedhealthcare communications, providing video remote interpretation (VRI)services to hospitals and other medical venues nationwide. Physicianowned and solely focused on healthcare, the company has unique insightinto how to drive better outcomes, improve patient satisfaction and bea true partner to its client hospitals. Targeted towards limitedEnglish Proficient and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing patients, LAN providesits rapidly growing client base of over 350 medical facilities with24/7/365 access to the highest quality & trained interpreters availablevia its centralized video language centers.

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