“This efficiency in detecting errors may hint at a future where AI can help optimize the workflow within radiology departments," a lead author of the study said.
CEO William Thorwarth, MD, speaks at ACR's 2023 Annual Meeting in D.C.
UPDATED: As part of its drive to balance the budget, ACR also is reviewing “all programs and areas for potential savings," leaders told attendees at the organization's annual meeting.
Lawmakers held a hearing on this topic April 11, titled “Bolstering Chronic Care through Medicare Physician Payment," featuring testimony multiple medical specialty societies.
For the first time, the percentage of practice ownership by PE firms and other corporate entities (30%) surpassed hospitals or health systems' share (28%).
The case dates to March 2020, when the University of South Florida Foundation filed suit against the Marlborough, Massachusetts-based company, which later countersued.